A forester's inspiration lead to good news for change
... Coming from a sustainable forestry background, he took over his parents’ farm in coastal Denmark in the 1980s and was ripe for the alternative concept. His farm’s alternative effort began in 1996 with the help of a government grant. His goal was to grow for 250 households.
Talking Shop: NOFA-NY Conference
Thomas Harttung’s humongous CSA: Growing by 10,000 households per year ...
urban households and farms utilizing a box scheme patterned on the British model,
The idea of Aarstiderne grew out of the work of farmer Thomas Harttung putting ...
Thomas' speech at Cirencester 2003 - 'Thinking Outside the Box' - Part I ...
Rhapsody of Aarstiderne
Aarstiderne has delivered organic products to the doorsteps of Danish households since 1999. It started out as a small vegetable garden at a farm, Barritskov, in the western part of Denmark. The garden supplied fresh vegetables for about 100 local households.
Now Aarstiderne delivers organic produce to the doorsteps of 30.000 Danish households, employs 110 people, provides a sales channel for organic farmers and catalyses the public motion towards healthier food and better environment in Denmark – not by agitating, but simply by enabling everybody to be a part of the good idea - by doing it!
AND there is more:
Thinking Outside the Box I · Thinking Outside the Box II ...
Thomas Harttung has held and still holds the chair of a number of government and private ...
Working for sustainability in shared risks between farmers and customers.
Right from the beginning - the customers have prepaid the boxes. In the beginning they prepaid three months - now they are only prepaying one month. Without this it wouldn’t have been possible to finance the growth of the company.
Also the engagement between customer and company has had a longer term character in the form of subscription to a box, where the content is composed by Aarstiderne. This makes planning both of economy and growing possible and more secure.
In this way Aarstiderne has succeeded in creating the difficult combination of ecology and economy.
Setting new standards for transparency and communication
Aarstiderne has re-established the communication between those who produce the food and those who consume it – a farmer to citizen communication – soil to plate - in a contemporary way. This communication on one hand helps the farmer in getting a true picture of what the everyday consumer thinks, and on the other hand improves the understanding among the consumers of variations in seasons and challenges weather-wise. This vehicle of communication is useful for other purposes as well such as transferring knowledge of sustainability and consideration for nature and health....
AND here is just a bid of timely information on forestry from the same man:
[PDF] Pro Silva Principles and Carbon
CHAIRMAN OF DARCOF (Danish Research Centre for organic farming ...
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